52 Quotes About Locked
- Author Steven Magee
It is recommended that you keep your doors locked to prevent an armed police officer from walking into your home and shooting you dead.
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- Author Paul Auster
Non parlo tanto del desiderio, quanto della consapevolezza, della scoperta che due persone, tramite il desiderio, possono creare una realtà più potente di quella che ciascuna potrebbe creare da sola.
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- Author Paul Auster
Una volta tanto mi lasciai andare, senza volermi sentire superiore alla mia felicità, senza volermi guardare dall'alto o essere più intelligente dei miei sentimenti.
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- Author Paul Auster
Nessuno può sconfinare in un altro - per il semplice motivo che nessuno può accedere a se stesso.
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- Author Steven Magee
Unsustainable energy consumption has humanity locked into a death spiral with nature.
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- Author Eva Morgan
If you’re so bored, learn to knit. I’m not that good of a hobby.”“If I ever learn to knit, the first thing I’ll make is a noose to hang myself with.
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- Author Eva Morgan
Jesus Christ—”“Sherlock Holmes, actually. And you were doing such a good job remembering my name.
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- Author Steven Magee
I am locked inside the jail of disability.
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- Author Frank Armstrong
They're not losing anything in the way of deductions. And their money is locked up for a long time.
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