1,071 Quotes About Lust

  • Author Kij Johnson
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    Aeneas comes to her court a suppliant, impoverished and momentarily timid. He is a good-looking man. If anything, his scars emphasize that. The aura of his divine failure wraps around him like a cloak. Dido feels the tender contempt of the strong for the unlucky, but this is mixed with something else, a hunger that worms through her bones and leaves them hollow, to be filled with fire.

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  • Author Kalervo Palsa
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    Jos helvetti on olemassa, niin minun kohdallani se on alkanut jo maan päällä. Jos helvetti on olemassa, niin minun kohdallani se tulee olemaan tämmöistä, tuonpuoleisessa, haudantakaisessa maailmassa. Jos helvetti on olemassa ja sinne joudutaan synnin vuoksi, joudun minä olemaan siellä runkkaamisen vuoksi. Minä joudun runkkaamaan siellä ikuista runkkiaja hekuman huippu tapahtuu tuomiopäivänä. Perkeleen perkele!

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  • Author Hillary Wen
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    I am a woman who’s passionate about life. Perhaps too full of passion for the majority of the world to understand. I lust for adventure and stories; I feel everything. I’m a lover and a fighter. I fight for what I love and I love what I fight for. I yearn for what is more than life, and I live beyond that yearning.

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