32 Quotes About Mao

  • Author Li Kunwu
  • Quote

    Au même titre que l'on ne peut cesser d'aller son père et sa mère, nous ne pouvons enrayer notre amour pour Mao. Malgré les désillusions, les désastres et les morts, la vénération que nous lui portions atteignit même, alors, son apogée.

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  • Author Nien Cheng
  • Quote

    As I gazed at Mao’s face wearing what was intended as a benign expression but was in fact a smirk of self-satisfaction, I wondered how one single person could have caused the extent of misery that was prevailing in China. There must be something lacking in our own character, I thought, that had made it possible for his evil genius to dominate.

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  • Author Nien Cheng
  • Quote

    As I stood in the room looking at it for the last time, I felt again the cold metal of the handcuffs on my wrists and remembered the physical suffering and mental anguish I had endured while fighting with all the willpower and intellect God had given me for that rare and elusive thing in a Communist country called justice.

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  • Author Nien Cheng
  • Quote

    Pilfering was common in Communist China’s state-owned enterprises, as the Party secretaries were slack in guarding properties that belonged to the government and poorly paid workers felt it fair compensation for their low pay. The practice was so widespread that it was an open secret. The workers joked about it and called it "Communism," which in Chinese translation means "sharing property.

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  • Author Nien Cheng
  • Quote

    But it also had many large posters with messages of a more peaceful nature. These extolled the country’s economic achievement since the Cultural Revolution, which was supposed to have liberated the forces of production and increased productivity. Of course, the Cultural Revolution had done just the opposite. Official lies like this, habitually indulged in and frequently displayed by the authorities, served no purpose except to create the impression that truth was unimportant.

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  • Author Nien Cheng
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    For so many years, the official propaganda machinery had denounced humanitarianism as sentimental trash and advocated human relations based entirely on class allegiance. But my personal experience had shown me that most of the Chinese people remained kind, sensitive, and compassionate even though the cruel reality of the system under which they had to live compelled them to lie and pretend.

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  • Author Jung Chang
  • Quote

    They verbally attacked each other with Mao's quotations, making cynical use of his guru-like elusiveness––it was easy to select a quotation of Mao's to suit any situation, or even both sides of the same argument.

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  • Author Filipe Russo
  • Quote

    Me levantei assustada sobre a cama, buscando minhas feições com as mãos e ali já aliviada encontrei a face com a qual me mascaro.

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