27 Quotes About Marked
- Author Thomas Harris
It was as though committing murders had purged him of lesser rudeness. Or perhaps, Starling thought, it excited him to see her marked in this particular way. She couldn't tell. The sparks in his eyes flew into his darkness like fireflies down a cave.
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- Author PC Cast and Kristin Cast
Value them; they are pearls of great price
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- Author Arwen Elys Dayton
She was a Seeker now, marked for life.She had thought this brand would be an eblem of pride, but now it meant something entirely different. She was damned.
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- Author P.C. Cast
Hey, anytime you want someone to butt in when he's not invited, I'm the guy for you..... And you should also know that i'm the guy for you if you decide you might like to try another sip of blood. Keep that in mind, too.
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- Author P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast
I've found that he way a person feels about cats-and the way they feel about him or her in return-is usually an excellent gauge by which to measure a person's character
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- Author Scarlet Risque
What I wasn’t expecting was the euphoria once my body began releasing endorphins. The mixture of pain and pleasure was ecstasy. Getting my tattoo introduced me to secret, dark pleasures. I would always be a marked prisoner, but I was a liberated soul.
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- Author Catherine Toon
You are marked to make your mark!
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- Author Rebecca Zanetti
You fucking ass-wad son-of-a-bastard fucking bitch. ~ Zane to Talen
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- Author Kate Morton
And when he kissed her throat, oh, so lightly, she swooned, as she always did.She had to wear scarves for a week after that. But she didn't mind. In some way it pleased her to have his mark. It made the times between more bearable. A secret reminder that he really did exist, that they existed. Their secret world. She would look at it sometimes, in the mirror, the way a new bride looks repeatedly at her wedding ring. Reminding herself.
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