251 Quotes About Marxism
- Author Terry Eagleton
We will know that socialism has established itself when we are able to look back with utter incredulity on the idea that a handful of commercial thugs were given free rein to corrupt the minds of the public with Neanderthal political views convenient for their own bank balances but for little else.
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- Author Terry Eagleton
Capitalism has given birth to extraordinary powers and possibilities which it simultaneously stymies; and this is why Marx can be hopeful without being a bright-eyed champion of Progress, and brutally realistic without being cynical or defeatist. Il belongs to the tragic vision to stare the worst steadily in the face, but to rise above it through the very act of doing so.
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- Author Yanis Varoufakis
What does it mean to be a proletarian, really? [...] It means you are a cog in a process of production that relies on what you do and think, while excluding you from being anything but its product. It means the end of sovereignty, the conversion of all experiential value to exchange value, the final defeat of autonomy.
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- Author Fredric Jameson
The epistemological separation of colony from metropolis, the systemic occultation of the colonial labour on which imperial prosperity is based, results in a situation in which... the truth of metropolitan existence is not visible in the metropolis itself
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- Author Toby Young
Socialism always begins with a universal vision for the brotherhood of man and ends with people having to eat their own pets.
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- Author Mark Naidis
The Church held to a labor theory of value, later articulated by Karl Marx. A fair and just price was placed on every article. Coming between the producer and consumer to make a profit was considered wrong. (P.130)
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- Author Richard D. Wolff
Capitalism, Marx said, never went beyond those economic models where a few dominate a majority. Capitalism just replaced the dichotomies of master/slave and lord/serf with a new one. A dominating and exploiting minority was still there, but it had a new name: employers.
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- Author Richard D. Wolff
To achieve a society that exhibits liberty, equality, fraternity and democracy, the object to change first and foremost is production.
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- Author Archimedes Muzenda
Debates on housing policy have denigrated into shouting matches merely about ethics, values and rights. Polarised debates where socialism is regarded glorious and capitalism disastrous.
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