251 Quotes About Marxism
- Author Walter Benjamin
God's transcendence is at an end. But he is not dead; he has been incorporated intohuman existence.
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- Author Karl Marx
The heart of a man is a wonderful thing, especially when it is carried in his wallet.
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- Author A.J.P. Taylor
Revolutions in short are made in the name of the proletariat, not by it, and usually in countries where the proletariat hardly exists.
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- Author A.J.P. Taylor
Increasing prosperity for the capitalists has everywhere brought with it increasing prosperity for the proletariat, instead of the increasing misery which Marx foretold. The most advanced capitalist countries are also those where the working class has the highest standard of life.
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- Author Nivedita Majumdar
Capitalism does not merely oppressworkers on the factory floor. It creates anentire culture in which the logic of oppressionand competition become commonsense. It turns people against each otherand their mvn humanity. Like Franz Kafka'scharacter in The Metamorphosis, GregorSamsa, people are alienated from theirhuman selves, isolated from their fellmvbeings, and tortured by the loss of all thatcould be possible.
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- Author Francis Wheen
...the government in Beijing continues to define itself as Marxist-Leninist, though 'Market-Leninist' would be rather more apt.
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- Author Warren Ellis
I was happiest when I was working for myself. Setting my own goals. Improving my own skills… Take control of your world.
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- Author Lise Vogel
In a society not characterised by class exploitation, the relationship between the processes of surplus-production and reproduction of labour-power is qualitatively distinct from that characterising societies in which exploitation dominates...surplus-labour is identified by the nature of its contribution to social reproduction, not by the fact that it is provately appropriated.
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- Author Karl Marx
The alienation of man thus appeared as the fundamental evil of capitalist society.
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