251 Quotes About Marxism
- Author Ezra Pound
Usury is the cancer of the world, which only the surgeon's knife of fascism can cut out of the life of the nations.
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- Author Jeffrey Fischer
you call democracy freedom. I call it corporation.
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- Author Jeffrey Fischer
the government bailed out the corporate sector. while the people thay supported the government financally, were ignored and left to fend for themselves. is this what you call democracy?
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- Author Richard M. Rorty
The sectarian divisions which plagued Marxism are manifestations of an urge for purity which the Left would be better off without.
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- Author Rosa Luxemburg
Freedom is always the freedom of the dissenter (Freheit ist immer die Freiheit der Andersdenkenden)
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- Author Michael Brooks
One of the goals of this show is to have a much more genuinely global perspective [...] This really is a global, collaborative endeavor [...] There is a shared working condition that's universal, and there are overlapping trajectories and aspirations and we can learn from each other.
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- Author Slavoj Zizek
At this point we reach the supreme irony of how ideology functions today: it appears precisely as its own opposite, as a radical critique of ideological utopias.The predominant ideology today is not a positive vision of some utopian future but a cynical resignation, an acceptance of how 'the world really is’, accompanied by a warning that, if we want to change it (too much), only totalitarian horror can ensue.
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- Author Helen Razer
Trump is a broken toilet, and we wish the old bog plumbing problems.
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- Author Howard W. French
A huge advertisement in the unmistakably bright red tones of Vodacom, the global mobile phone giant, looked on this tawdry scene. It read to me like a distilled message about the only values that remained in this country, whose leaders were once committed Marxists: money and power.
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