251 Quotes About Marxism
- Author Friedrich Engels
Naked greed has been the moving spirit of civilization from the first day of its existence to the present time; wealth, more wealth, and wealth again; wealth not of society, but of this shabby individual was its sole and determining aim.
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- Author Leon Trotsky
You are pitiful, isolated individuals! You are bankrupts. Your role is played out. Go where you belong from now on – into the dustbin of history!
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- Author Karl Jaspers
Schumpeter remarked how pleased he was with the Russian Revolution. Socialism was now no longer a discussion on paper, but had to prove its viability. Max Weber responded in great agitation: Communism, at this stage in Russian development, was virtually a crime, the road would lead over unparalleled human misery and end in a terrible catastrophe. "Quite likely", Schumpeter answered, "but what a fine laboratory". "A laboratory filled with mounds of corpses", Weber answered heatedly.
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- Author Karl Marx
Philosophers have hitherto only interpreted the world in various ways; the point is to change it
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- Author Karl Marx
Philosophers have hitherto interpreted the world in various ways; the point, however, is to change it
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- Author Karl Marx
Philosophers have hitherto interpreted the world in various way; the point, however, is to change it
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- Author Engels Frederick
Las fuerzas activas de la sociedad obran, mientras no las conocemos y contamos con ellas, exactamente lo mismo que las fuerzas de la naturaleza: de un modo ciego, violento, destructor. Pero, una vez conocidas, tan pronto como se ha sabido comprender su acción, su tendencia y sus efectos, en nuestras manos está el supeditarlas cada vez más de lleno a nuestra voluntad y alcanzar por medio de ellas los fines propuestos.
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- Author Freda Utley
Perhaps the breaking of the human spirit into submissive, thoughtless robots is the most terrible feature of Stalin’s Russia. Humanity is bowed down. Every one cringes before his superiors, and those who abase themselves seek outlets in bullying and terrifying the unfortunates beneath them. Integrity, courage and charity disappear in the stifling atmosphere of cant, falsehood and terror.
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- Author David Mitchell
Your leaders must know powerful magic. Yes, said one of the women. The magic is called Marx, Stalin, Lenin and Class Dialectics. It didn't sound like very powerful magic to me.
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