251 Quotes About Marxism
- Author Rosa Luxemburg
Geschändet, entehrt, im Blute watend, von Schmutz triefend – so steht die bürgerliche Gesellschaft da, so ist sie. Nicht wenn sie, geleckt und sittsam, Kultur, Philosophie und Ethik, Ordnung, Frieden und Rechtsstaat mimt – als reißende Bestie, als Hexensabbat der Anarchie, als Pesthauch für Kultur und Menschheit –, so zeigt sie sich in ihrer wahren, nackten Gestalt.
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- Author Nicos Poulantzas
Whether overtly or not, all twentieth-century political theory has basically posed the same question: what is the relationship between the State, power and social classes?
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- Author Nicos Poulantzas
just as there can be no general theory of the- economy (no 'economic science') having a theoretical object that remains unchanged through the various modes of production, so can there be no 'general theory' of the state-political (in the sense of a political 'science' or 'sociology') having a similarly constant object.
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- Author Nicos Poulantzas
The State maintains its relative autonomy of particular fractions of the power bloc (including fractions of monopoly capital itself) so that it may ensure the organization of the general interest of the bourgeoisie under the hegemony of one of its fractions.
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- Author Nicos Poulantzas
The (capitalist) State should not be regarded as an intrinsic entity: like 'capital', it is rather a relationship of forces, or more precisely the material condensation of such a relationship among classes and class fractions
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- Author Nicos Poulantzas
an institution destined to reproduce class divisions is not, and can never be, a monolithic bloc without cracks, whose policy is established, as it were, in spite of its own contradictions.
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- Author Nicos Poulantzas
Contradictions among the dominant classes and fractions - or in other words, the relationship of forces within the power bloc - are precisely what makes it necessary for the unity of the bloc to be organized by the State.
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- Author Nicos Poulantzas
If we confine ourselves to waiting, we will not get the 'great day' at all, but rather the tanks in the small hours of the morning.
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- Author Max Horkheimer
The Revolution won't happen with guns, rather it will happen incrementally, year by year, generation by generation. We will gradually infiltrate their educational institutions and their political offices, transforming them slowly into Marxist entities as we move towards universal egalitarianism.
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