251 Quotes About Marxism
- Author Robert Anton Wilson
I'm very interested in Marxist theory. I disagree with it, but I keep thinking about it, because some Marxist theory does seem to work.
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- Author Philip Pomper
One of the major weaknesses in Marxism as a doctrine resided in its failure to examine closely the moral characteristics of an immiserated proletariat. The notion that the miserable and oppressed will proceed to create a better world is, of course, inherently problematic.
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- Author Karl Marx
It has created enormous cities, has greatly increased the urban population as compared with the rural, and has thus rescued a considerable part of the population from the idiocy of rural life.
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- Author Charles Thorpe
Having is estranged being.
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- Author Charles Thorpe
The zombie is the absolute void present within capitalist everyday life.
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- Author Lynne Thorndycraft
(Paul) Avrich suggests the tragedy of Kronstadt is that one can sympathize with the rebels and yet justify the Communists' suppression of them. I suggest the real tragedy is that so many people have for so long done just that: from Kronstadt to Berlin, to Budapest and Prague, tyranny has been justified as somehow progressive. Even if one accepts the argument that their rise to power – in situations of scarcity and underdevelopment – is inevitable, there is no need to enshrine tyrants.
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- Author Michael Taussig
Instead of man being the aim of production, production is the aim of man and wealth the aim of production, instead of tools and the productive mechanism in general liberating man from the slavery of toil, man has become the slave of tools and the industry has become synonymous with business and people have been duped into asking, “what’s good for business?” instead of, “what is business good for?
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- Author Charles Thorpe
Love is paradigmatic of the truly human relationship, in that it is based entirely on the expression of what the individual is as a human being and the calling forth reciprocally of love in the other individual as a manifestation of their being. If economic life was truly human, then love would be an aspect of production and exchange.
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- Author Eric Jarosinski
#LastCallMarx, Engels, and the Proletariat walk into bar.Marx drinks. Engels buys. The Proletariat loses its chains. Then its keys. Then its phone.Then its Marx. Then its Engels.
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