325 Quotes About Masculinity
- Author Brad Miner
I acknowledge the efficacy of a kind of peacemaking, especially in the hothouse climate of so many American schools. However, strength and honor more dependably keep the peace than does palaver about psychic posture and moral equivalence.
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- Author Brad Miner
I do not believe our gentleman Boy Scout should obsess about combat. I do think he ought to be concerned about combat readiness. A man, however hard he works for peace, must always be ready for war.
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- Author Josh Hatcher
One of the biggest things that hold men back from being the fathers, husbands, and leaders they are meant to be is that we are often unfit, unhealthy, or otherwise limping along.
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- Author Josh Hatcher
If you could look at your whole life from the outside, you can see that just past the point you wanted to give up, is the victory you hoped for. And in the grand scheme - the distance between the “I feel like I can’t” and the “I did it” was miniscule.
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- Author Emma Merritt
Always it pays for a woman to find a lover who is weaker than she is. Weaker men can be handled; stronger men prefer to handle. - Celeste Talbot
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- Author Josh Hatcher
Our American culture paints a picture of masculinity where a man is an island. A lone cowboy on the prairie smoking marlboros. A caped crusader who works better alone. A dad in his den, reading the paper, shooing the kids away so he can unwind.But this lone ranger mentality is dangerous. Even the actual Lone Ranger had Tonto. We are not made to be alone.
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- Author Roman McClay
That’s the irony, the truly moral man is the one called most immoral. And the real scoundrel -who has no code- who only gives a fuck about popularity and money and staying out of trouble, blending in with the herd, that man is held up as some paragon of virtue(...)
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- Author Roman McClay
What if he figured out that a real life, a true life, a meaningful life, a grand life is one marked by courage and truth and honor and that is the kind of life he wants to live even if it impoverishes or kills him; even if it kills you; you the pragmatic man?
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- Author Josh Hatcher
Men, the fact that a dream is unrealistic doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t dream it. You can dream big. You can imagine great things. In fact, you should hope for something big and great in your life.They key isn’t in squashing the dreams.The key is in understanding that difference between dreams and goals. The difference between a dream and a vision.
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