705 Quotes About Mathematics
- Author Charles Seife
See appendix A for a proof that Winston Churchill was a carrot.
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- Author Hans Reichenbach
It appears that the solution of the problem of time and space is reserved to philosophers who, like Leibniz, are mathematicians, or to mathematicians who, like Einstein, are philosophers.
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- Author EverSkeptic
Two wrongs never add up to a right. But it's okay, I always sucked at maths.
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- Author Aldous Huxley
Pongileoni se întrecu pe sine în Badineria finală. Axiomele euclidiene se înlănțuiau vesel cu formele de statistică elementară. Aritmetica făcea un chef turbat, iar algebra sărea dezordonat. Muzica se sfîrși într-o orgie de bună dispoziție matematică.
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- Author Douglas Adams
Numbers written on restaurant bills within the confines of restaurants do not follow the same mathematical laws as numbers written on any other pieces of paper in any other parts of the Universe. This single fact took the scientific world by storm. It completely revolutionized it. So many mathematical conferences got held in such good restaurants that many of the finest minds of a generation died of obesity and heart failure and the science of maths was put back by years.
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- Author Sean J. Halford
How do you quantify love? Can you weigh it, measure it, pin it down with equations? If the sum of all experiences is really just the interaction of a finite soup of chemicals copulating in nerve endings, how did this even dare articulate the infinite?Mathematicians will tell you there are different types of infinities. Some are countable, some are not. We can love someone more and more; we can stop loving. But we can never guess how much all this is. Love has no units.
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- Author Ernest Nagel
Like Molière’s M. Jourdain, who spoke prose all his life without knowing it, mathematicians have been reasoning for at least two millennia without being aware of all the principles underlying what they were doing. The real nature of the tools of their craft has become evident only within recent times A renaissance of logical studies in modern times begins with the publication in 1847 of George Boole’s 'The Mathematical Analysis of Logic'.
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- Author George Zebrowski
Mathematics has always shown a curious ability to be applicable to nature, and this may express a deep link between our minds and nature. We are the Universe speaking out, a part of nature. So it is not so surprising that our systems of logic and mathematics sing in tune with nature.
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- Author Edward Frenkel
That's because, if correct, a mathematical formula expresses an eternal truth about the universe. Hence no one can claim ownership of it; it is ours to share. Rich or poor, black or white, young or old - no one can take these formulas away from us. Nothing in this world is so profound and elegant, and yet so available to all.
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