1,900 Quotes About Meaning

  • Author Jacob Morgan
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    bonuses don't really motivate workers. Once they reach a certain baseline salary, money is no longer the main driver. They need something more. Reams have been written about the Millennial generation's hunter for impact and meaning at work. In one way, I think Millennials (and Generation Z) are not so different from the rest of us. They just voice the desires the rest of us have learned to keep quiet.

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  • Author Jonathan Safran Foer
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    Before they had kids, if asked to conjure images of parenthood they would have said things like "Reading in bed," and "Giving a bath," and "Running while holding the seat of a bicycle." Parenthood contains such moments of warmth and intimacy, but isn't them. It's cleaning up. The great bulk of family life involves no exchange of love, and no meaning, only fulfillment. Not the fulfillment of feeling fulfilled, but of fulfilling that which now falls to you.

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  • Author Ken McNamara
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    At what point does the manipulation of natural objects [...] become indicative of a propensity for artistic, as well as symbolic expression? it is the creative mind here at work, transforming everyday, humdrum objects into something much more. Something of meaning to lighten the soul and delight the mind.

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