115 Quotes About Meaninglessness
- Author Lang Leav
Her heart is played like well worn stringsIn her eyes the sadness singsOf one who was destined of better things
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- Author Sevgi Soysal
Hantal, çirkin bir büfeyi ardından sürüklemek gülünçtür. Büfenin otuz taksidini ödemek için, büfeyi yedi yıl cilası bozulmadan kullanmak için harcanan bütün çabalar gülünçtür. On lira, yirmi lira için büfeyi dar merdivenlerden yukarı çıkarmaya uğraşan iki hamalın çabalarının anlamı var yalnız.
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- Author David Hewson
My life is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury. It means nothing.
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- Author Rob Bignell
It is upon such stones that men attempt to permanently etch history so they will not exist in a vacuum; it is the final statement after a lifetime of scratching out divisions upon the ground, over ephemeral time itself, merely to give their short journeys meaning, to tell others “I was here – do not forget me, do not let my brief blast dissolve into nothingness.
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- Author Ştefan Bolea
Non-semnificaţia iubirilor mele & nonşalanţa cu care au fost ele aruncate la gunoi mi-au ciopârţit în primul rând sufletul, mi-au provocat acea stupefacţie care mi-a umplut nebunia cu vitriol.
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- Author Emil M. Cioran
...feeling of being everything and the evidence of being nothing.' I happened across this phrase in my youth, and was overwhelmed by it. Everything I felt in those days, and everything I would feel from then on, was summed up in this extraordinary banal formula, the synthesis of expansion and failure, ecstasy and impasse. Most often it is not in a paradox but in a truism that a revelation appears.
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- Author Questlove
Meaninglessness takes hold because meaninglessness is addictive,
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