37 Quotes About Medical-treatment
"Maternal/child attachment is mostly eroded in increments. The separation begins in hospitals, where mothers are not only made to feel inferior to medical professionals in relationto their infants, but regularly separated from their infants."
"Cancer - a more or less permanent traffic jam in the body."
"Chuck Norris’s tears cure cancer. Too bad he’s never cried."
"The coronavirus outbreak feels like an episode of The Twilight Zone. I went to see a doctor the other day, and they told me to wear a face mask. Then they said how much it would cost to see the doctor and I told them THEY were the ones who should be wearing masks!"
"Don't worry, everyone is mentally ill, they just haven’t figured out a name for yours yet."
"MEDICINE means Mercy – Empathy – Dare – Integrity – Care – Ingenuity – and Ethics."
"There are no healing agents."
"MEDICINE means Mercy - Empathy - Dare - Integrity - Care - Ingenuity - Nobility - and Ethics."
"At the very dawn of history, the care of the sick was actually superior to what the great majority of mankind receive today when ill."