34 Quotes About Melancholia
- Author Doris Kearns Goodwin
Unlike depression, melancholy does not have a specific cause. It is an aspect of temperament, perhaps genetically based. One may emerge from the hypo, as Lincoln did, but melancholy is an indelible part of one's nature.
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- Author Erika Fatland
W gruncie rzeczy nie wyobrażam sobie lepszej ilustracji szczytu melancholii niż pesymista czytający Schopenhauera w Pamirze.
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- Author Antoni Czechow
Urodę jej odczuwałem dość dziwnie. Masza nie budziła we mnie ani pragnień, ani zachwytu, ani upojenia, lecz jakiś ciężki, choć przyjemny smutek. Ten smutek był nieokreślony, niejasny jak sen. Było mi jakby żal i siebie, i dziadka, i Ormianina i nawet Ormianeczki; zdawało mi się, żeśmy wszyscy czworo zagubili coś bardzo ważnego i potrzebnego do życia, coś, czego nigdy nie odnajdziemy.
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- Author Laurie Lee
But if you survived melancholia and rotting lungs it was possible to live long in this valley.
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- Author Sarah Henstra
I was asleep almost before I could close the flap on the tent.Sleeping all day. This must be one of the ways people hide from pain.
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- Author William Wordsworth
I had melancholy thoughts...a strangeness in my mind,A feeling that I was not for that hour,Nor for that place.
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- Author Evelyn Waugh
..perhaps all our lovers are merely hints and symbols; vagabond languages scrawled on gate-posts and paving stones along the weary road that others have trampled before us; perhaps you and I are types and this sadness which sometimes falls between us springs from disappointment in our search, each straining through and beyond each other, snatching a glimpse now and then of the shadow which turns the corner always a pace or two ahead of us.
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