52 Quotes About Memento-mori


"Funerals are for the living. If we have not done for the dead while they were yet in flesh, it is too late; let the matter pass at the grave. Day by day we should live for those who are to die; and live so that we may die for those who are to live. Funerals are for the living."


"Just as worn-out clothes can never again be made as new, It's no use seeing a doctor once you're terminally ill; You'll have to go. We humans living on this earth Are like streams and rivers flowing toward the ocean -All living beings are heading for that single destination.Now, like a small bird flying off from a treetop,I, too, will not be here much longer; soon I must move on.– Padampa Sangye"


"Sauver quelque chose du temps où l'on ne sera plus jamais."


"We must make haste then, not only because we are daily nearer death, but also because the conception of things and the understanding of them cease first."


"Strive to accomplish the supreme unchanging goal. For life is passing, and there is no certainty about the time of death. Even if you should die tomorrow, you should have confidence and be without regret."


"In town a man can live for a hundred years without noticing that he has long been dead and has rotten away."


"The human race has been dealing with loss and death forever. We are the descendants of those who could manage it."


"The very idea of inevitable death, carrying with it the manifest folly of human concerns, is at the core of ruin porn fetish. Memento mori: You and everyone you know will die and become wreckage plowed under and renewed, because that’s they way of all things. Fight it and be terrified; accept it and know peace. Live accordingly."


"No dejes para mañana la diversión que puedes tener hoy."
