234 Quotes About Merit
- Author Michael J. Sandel
Προσκαλ;v όποιον έχει πετύχει να επανεξετάσει τη δική του αξιοκρατική ύβρη. Ελπίζω ότι αυτό θα οδηγήσει σε μια δημόσια ζωή λιγότερο πολωμένη και περισσότερο γενναιόδωρη, στο επίκεντρο της οποίας θα μπορέσουμε να θέσουμε αυτό που οφείλουμε.
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- Author Jean-Paul Sartre
I am not listening to him any more, but hemust have strayed from his original subject because I suddenly hear:". . . to have, as you, the good fortune of writing a book." I have to say something. "Good fortune," I say, dubiously.He mistakes the sense of my answer and rapidly corrects himself:"Monsieur, I should have said: 'merit.
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- Author Sunday Adelaja
Merit is better than favor.
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- Author Chloe Neill
I tried to help. They were ganging up on one of the girls. I got hit in the head.” “With a stiletto,” Jonah helpfully threw in. “She got hit in the head with a stiletto.
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- Author Chloe Neill
I’m glad to know you have a sense of humor.” “I’m a vampire, not a zombie.” “Good to know.
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- Author Chloe Neill
I knew there were Web sites devoted to Ethan. I might, in a moment of curious weakness, have visited Ethan SullivanIsMyMaster.net and smiled at the bloggers’ obvious adoration. But underwear? Underwear! “Pretty hot, isn’t he?” asked the clerk. I was bewildered. Of course he was hot. But he was my hot.
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- Author Chloe Neill
He's twenty-nine. And what did you think he was going to look like?"She shrugged."You know-old. Grizzled. Long white beard. Scruffy robes. Loveable, smart, a little absent minded." I bit back a grin. " I said 'sorcerer,' not 'Dumbledore.' So he's hot. It could be worse.
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- Author Chloe Neill
Let’s just remember, Sullivan, that I want you for your smoked meats and your smoked meats only.”He barked out a laugh. “Touché, Sentinel.
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- Author Chloe Neill
Lindsey patted my arm. “Don’t be embarrassed. It’s about time you two made the beast with two backs.”I had to work to form words. “There are so many things wrong with that statement, I don’t know where to start.
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