134 Quotes About Migration

  • Author Maldwyn A. Jones
  • Quote

    After years in America it was sometimes difficult to fit in back home. Emigration had turned them into what sociologists would call 'marginal men', people suspended between two ways of life, belonging wholly to neither.

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  • Author Richelle Mead
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    She was just as fascinated by that glittering, mythical country as the rest of her family, but completely relocating to the society as unlike her own was terrifying. Maybe she did not always like the way hers worked, but she knew it. It was comfortable. It was safe. Kind of.

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  • Author Richelle Mead
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    She was just as fascinated by that glittering, mythical country as the rest of her family, but completely relocating to a society so unlike her own was terrifying. Maybe she didn’t always like the way hers worked, but she knew it. It was comfortable. It was safe. Kind of.

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  • Author Harsha Walia
  • Quote

    Borders controls are most severely deployed by those Western regimes that create mass displacement, and are most severely deployed against those whose very recourse to migration results from the ravages of capital and military occupations. . . We are all, therefore, simultaneously separated by and bound together by the violences of border imperialism.

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  • Author Irene Nemirovsky
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    Simțea milă de tovarășii lui de suferință, dar o milă lucidă și rece. La urma urmelor, aceste mari migrații umane păreau dictate de legi ale naturii, își zicea el. Deplasări periodice de mase considerabile erau probabil necesare popoarelor, cum e transhumanța pentru oi. În mod straniu, ideea îl întărea.

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  • Author Isabel Wilkerson
  • Quote

    Many of the people who left the South never exactly sat their children down to tell them these things, tell them what happened and why they left and how they and all this blood kin came to be in this northern city or western suburb or why they speak like melted butter and their children speak like footsteps on pavement, prim and proper or clipped and fast, like the New World itself.

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  • Author Deborah Levy
  • Quote

    J.K. watches a storm rage into the crimson afternoon. The sky is electric. Rain whips her bare arms and legs. Dustbins are hauled into the air, caught on the wind’s curve. Bags and pillowcase unpacked for a while, toothbrush, perfume, books, a little pile of yellow feathers, J.K. knows she too is caught in the wind. She is Europe’s eerie child, and she is part of the storm." (from "Swallowing Geography" by Deborah Levy)

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  • Author Sarah McCoy
  • Quote

    Alors, où aller quand votre maison ne constituait plus un abri - quand le monde n'avait plus aucun sens ? A quel moment prendre la décision de partir ou de rester ?

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  • Author Salman Rushdie
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    mingling with the remains of the plane, equally fragmented, equally absurd, there floated the debris of the soul, broken memories, sloughed-off selves, severed mother tongues, violated privacies, untranslatable jokes, extinguished futures, lost loves, the forgotten meaning of hollow, booming words, land, belonging, home.

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