134 Quotes About Migration
"Once we are made aware of the universality of our angsts and joys, we become one under the sky of humanity"
"Todo lo que tengo lo llevo conmigo. O: todo lo mío lo llevo conmigo. He llevado todo lo que tenía. No era mío. Era o algo destinado a otras finalidades o de otra persona. […]Llevo un equipaje de silencio. Me he rodeado de un silencio tan hondo y duradero que nunca acierto a abrirme con las palabras. Cuando hablo, solamente me cierro de otra manera."
"We should show love to migrant communities, not just because they're our friends in this fight, but because they're our friends, nuff said."
"Hayatımda ilk defa olarak karşı karşıya kalıyordum iktidarın o basiretsiz körlüğüyle; dehşete uğramıştım. O çağımda nereden bilebirdim ki ben, bütün ömrüm boyunca, hep bu körlükle savaşacağım"
"exile is strangely compelling to think about but terrible to experience. It is the unhealable rift forced between a human being and a native place, between the self and its true home: its essential sadness can never be surmounted. And while it is true that literature and history contain heroic, romantic, glorious, even triumphant episodes in an exile’s life, these are no more than efforts meant to overcome the crippling sorrow of estrangement."
"I can believe almost anything-that we beganas thoughts an ocean away carried as seeds or smog or trashacross the waterby capital by will by Godorwe beganas crumbs ferried in the beaks ofwaxwings birds of paradisewe beganas birds ourselves- migrationinstinct.Pins pierce dots and blocks of color to yoke memory to cartography:we've scattered across the world.Tiny planetsmark crumbsentire lives spunalong axes imperceptibleto souls never moved by the wind."
"A bracing wind swirls about the boy and alights gently upon his shoulder to gape frightfully at droplets of fate joined infirmly to a sweep of atmospheric and lunar forces far beyond their capabilities to resist. He takes a long, deep breath of air—cleansed through its migration—and he closes his eyes.Scattered waves roll back in to the sea."
"paradise seemed further away than India, but Hell had become a bit closer"
"Haris...as a naive migrantwho just moved here,relying on you tapered worries."