6,568 Quotes About Mind

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    Connecting back with Nature is an end for all hurries and worldly worries. The more wise we get the more fast we connect. By eating produces from Nature our mind is becoming a part of rice fields and vegetable gardens as we are what we eat. We cannot ignore our mind's appetite for Nature's verdure as our stomach's for vegetables and cereals.

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  • Author جيمس آلان
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    ليست الشخصية النبيلة و الروحانية مسألة تفضيل أو حظ. ولكنها النتيجة الطبيعية للجهود المتواصلة في التفكير الصحيح, وهي نتيجة الاتصال الحميمي الطويل مع الأفكار الروحانية. و وفقاً للآلية نفسها، فإن الشخصية الخسيسة البهيمية هي نتيجة للاحتضان المتواصل للأفكار الدنيئة

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  • Author Shivangi Singh
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    So how do we deal with the mind? The answer is – by not dealing with it at all. Nothing needs to be resolved, done or pondered upon. Just watching and staying aware.. And the strange thing about the mind is – it goes still the moment we start becoming aware of it. Just like a naughty child when caught doing some mischief, stops.

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