46 Quotes About Mindset-coach
"If you respect their preparation, you never drop the baton."
"It is not tough to fight against giant companies whose people don't talk to each other. Just ace team play."
"They thought I am limited because of where I come from. They don't know that having no roof makes you limitless.REMOVE THE ROOF AND YOU CAN SEE THE SKY. HAVING NO ROOF MAKES YOU LIMITLESS.छत हटा दीजिए सारा आकाश आपका हो जाएगा"
"वो उड़ता है ऐसेजैसे ख़रीद लिया होआसमां उसनेHe flies as ifHe has purchasedThe skies彼は飛ぶ彼が持っているかのように空を購入した"
"Do you build a team or assemble a team?"
"What can be locked is just our movement. If we lock our lives it would be our own decisionOur feelings, expression, creativity, spirit, enthusiasm and care can never be locked."
"Very few companies thank their vendors.Money spoils the basic tenets of life.8 Nov World Quality Day8 Nov World Tongue Twister Day"
"It is the Lion, not the Deer, that hides in the grass!तुम शेर हो यक़ीनन ख़ौफ़ खाओगे;हम हिरण ख़ौफ़ पीछे छोड़ आए हैं"
"Life assurance* is a lottery ticket we buy for our kids.*also called Life insurance28 Jun National Insurance Awareness Day"