280 Quotes About Minimalism
- Author Richie Norton
The 5 Principles of JOMO:1. JOMO is the opposite of FOMO (the Fear Of Missing Out).2. JOMO is intentionally choosing what to keep and what to give.3. JOMO is choosing to ignore the Joneses (NOT just NOT keep up).4. JOMO is framing the moment to keep the big picture dream in focus.5. JOMO is the art of improved results with minimalism over maximalism.
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- Author Jane Andrews
Minimalism can help you find contentment and satisfaction and finally put meaning into your life. Just removing unnecessary things that do not bring any value to you will essentially open the door to a brand new perspective on living.
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- Author Scott Perry
Do only what is necessary and required. Efficiency is elegant. Less is more.
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- Author Maria Defillo
Declutter your mind, your heart, your home. Let go of the heaviness that is weighing you down. Make your life simple, but significant.
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- Author Jonathan Star
Reduce what you have. Decrease what you want.
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- Author Marie Kondō
Per quanti oggetti possediate, la loro quantità è pur sempre limitata. Se riuscite a scoprire quali oggetti vi danno gioia e a decidere dove riporli, il riordino finirà, prima o poi. Più andate avanti, più vi avvicinate all'obiettivo di avere una casa piena di felicità.
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- Author Dominique Loreau
إننا نجر عبء مقتنياتنا وننسى،أو لا ندرك ،أن طمعنا و شهواتنا قد حولتنا إلى كائنات بلا حياة،لأننا أصبحنا عبيدا لرغباتنا التي لا تنتهي أبدا.
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- Author Rodolfo Peon
Imagine you are going on vacation to a fun place where you can relax, eat well and enjoy your hobbies... What would you put in your suitcase? Now, let's imagine you decide to live a permanently fun life where you live... What are you waiting to get rid of what did not fit in your luggage?
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- Author James Ryan
Learn to live with less so that you appreciate more.
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