41 Quotes About Mist

  • Author Robert Walser
  • Quote

    You do see me crossing the meadowstiff and dead from the mist?I long for that home,that home I've never had,and without any hopethat I'll ever be able to reach it.For such a home, never touched,I carry that longing that willnever die, like that meadow diesstiff and dead from the mist.You do see me crossing it, full of dread?

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  • Author Robert Liparulo
  • Quote

    Tendrils of mist slithered over the forest floor, around the base of trees. Xander noticed that some of it had climbed the porch pillars and drifted, almost invisibly, over the shingles of the porch roof. It reminded him of an old TV series Dean's dad had bought on DVD: Dark Shadows. It was about a creepy old house and a vampire who lived there. Barnabas, Xander remembered.

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  • Author Luo Guanzhong
  • Quote

    The roiling, restless fog is like chaos before a storm, swirling streaks resembling wintry clouds. Serpents lurking there can spread its pestilence, and evil spirits can havoc wreak, sending pain and woe to the world of men, and the storms of wind and sand that plague the border wastes. Common souls meeting it fall dead. Great men observe it and despair. Are we returning to the primal state that preceded form itself — to undivided Heaven and earth?

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  • Author Brandon Sanderson
  • Quote

    Había un grupo de gente antes de la Ascensión llamados los astalsi. Decían que cada persona nacía con una cantidad definida de mala suerte. Y así, cuando les sucedía un hecho desafortunado, se consideraban bendecidos: a partir de entonces su vida sólo podía mejorar.

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