219 Quotes About Modesty

  • Author Jatin Nasa
  • Quote

    What transcends us when we stand before a great river like divine Ganges or a great mountain with mist & snow covering its summit or the vision of sea at a beach? The feeling that we are so utterly small in this beautiful creation. No matter how great and relevant, we make ourselves feel, nature transcend us all the time with its beautiful visions and deeds whether creative or destructive, making us feel smaller and irrelevant.

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  • Author Ehsan Sehgal
  • Quote

    You are a beloved of each other, the real and fair love does not have the hide and seek, and tricks. Your love should be crystal clear, and there should not be any wall between two hearts, except modesty.

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  • Author G.K. Chesterton
  • Quote

    The proper name for the thing is modesty; but as we live in an age of prejudice and must not call things by their right names, we will yield to a more modern nomenclature and call it dignity.

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  • Author Frank Chimero
  • Quote

    You don’t get to decide the truth. Other people have their own experiences, just as valid. This is easy to forget. Your slice of life seems so large and unmistakeable, like a mirage of wholeness from where you stand. But it is your job to know better and not confuse your small piece for the whole, even if you sometimes forget. Life is big—much bigger than just yours. This is the only note to self: other people are real. That’s all there is to learn.

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  • Author Charles Avison
  • Quote

    Should my decease happen in Newcastle I desire that my remains may be laid near the south porch in Saint Andrews churchyard near the remains of my dear wife, and that the least possible expence may be laid out on my interment. Charles Avison

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  • Author Rachel Held Evans
  • Quote

    In fact, it seems that most of the Bible's instructions regarding modesty find their context in warnings about materialism, not sexuality . . .

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