91 Quotes About Monkeys


"Hear WrongSee WrongSpeak WrongD.E.S.I.G.N. Thinking Coreby Vineet Raj KapoorExplanation:Patience to unbiasedly Listen to the wrong about your idea/ product/ serviceCritical Eye to Observe the wrong about your idea/ product/ serviceCourage to Speak the wrong about your idea/ product/ service to the management"


"[I don't get it. You guys look down on chimps for flinging their own poo but you think it's fine to fling other kinds of poo around? I mean, you get opposable thumbs and this is what you do with them?]"


"People are like, ‘Oh, you can’t take humans out of the loop, I’m a human and I’m an awesome driver.’ And I’m like, no, man, you’re not an awesome driver. You’re a monkey, and monkeys suck at making decisions."


"i heard someone tried the monkeys-on-typewriters bit trying for the plays of W. Shakespeare, but all they got was the collected works of Francis Bacon."


"she has big ears like a monkey , she can probably hear really good!"


"All right, funny man. Some of the shite I've seen in the last couple o' years makes AIDS monkeys sound downright sensible."


"Everything is improved by the judicious application of primates."


"Scientists have reported that elephants grieve their dead, monkeys perceive injustice and cockatoos like to dance to the music of the Backstreet Boys."


"Will they not for their part have monkeys and marmosets to make them fine coats and doublets of leather and iron? Hands would not be a problem, for the monkeys could work with their hands, and so they would in no way be inferior to man; they could even be writers. They would never be so feeble as not to put their heads together to find ways of resisting these arms, and they would construct machines of their own with which they would inflict great harm on men."
