645 Quotes About Monsters


"Hope was the beast that could never be slain, the light that blazed in every harrowing dark."


"Ovakav je grad morao biti pun heroja: junaka sa svojim slomljenim srcima, epskim ljubavima i hrabrim djelima. Sad nije bilo traga nijendoj od takvih priča jer grad je bio uspavan i tih. I svi su prinčevi i princeze već odavno bili smješteni u svoje tople krevete, igrajući se s vlastitim anđelima i demonima."


"Dreams aren’t real? I say they walk among us, whispering in our ears all their sweet promises and threats, carried in our heads, mind-words, maggots eating at our dead souls. Dreams, memes, gods and monsters, creatures of the id. If they aren’t real then what the hell am I?"


"There were monsters in the night but there were monsters in the day too, and monsters inside people who smiled and showed you all their teeth like they were nice. There were monsters inside Alice, but they only had power if she gave it to them, and other things had power too, like the laughter of children enjoying a picnic together and like the love she had for this terrible, wonderful, imperfect man, this man who hid inside the body of a wolf because he thought that was where he belonged."


"Here there was no monster greater than the ragged mountains."


"In Sumer, they wrote hymns about liquor and beer. Compared it to the onrush of theTigris and Euphrates. Sang odes to the goddess Ninkasi. No matter how long ago or howrecent, people drink to forget."


"Lying in bed with his eyes open, he searched the shadows around him, trying to find some steadying, reassuring objects. But the reality was at least as threatening as the nightmares. Having swallowed up all of the familiar shapes of the furniture, the darkness took on the aspect of some unearthly challenge: within this nothingness something monstrous and unknown was surely being spawned. The room had become a kind of breeding ground for monsters."


"Horrific many eyed, many winged angels, undead zombies and vampires are part of our cultures. Witches, warlocks, and demons as well. [...] In many cases what has given birth to some of them may never be known, but perhaps it is because we are not looking in the right places."
