1,337 Quotes About Motherhood
- Author Kate Millett
Governments who manipulate population growth have two choices: making maternity pleasant, or making it inescapable.
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- Author Sarah Menkedick
And while I miss my carefree self, my fear has also brought a new vision. I have seen in my own gradual shift from fearlessness to extreme fear that to be scared is to care, sometimes too much, sometimes to the point of sickness, but to have no fear is to be carefree, untethered to the fates and concerns of others, unable in some cases even to see them beyond one's assumptions.
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- Author Jaiya John
What marvel-inspiring forces of nature mothers truly are; somehow everything always comes back to and down to them.
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- Author Manya Nigam
Mom is mom with a golden heart, which always aches for her child; he always knows her child's wishes.
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- Author Diane Cook
And she loved Agnes fiercely, though motherhood felt like a heavy coat she was compelled to put on each day no matter the weather.
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- Author Laura Hankin
We are all so obsessed with protecting out child, aren't we?" "That's how we got into this mess in the first place. We want to paint a lovely picture that we hang over their window to block out how the world really works, to give them these lives. And to do that, we think we need to keep ourselves perfect too. But no mother in the history of the world has been able to protect her child forever. the world barges in through the front door eventually.
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- Author Glenn Haybittle
My mother later blamed the Cold War and the threat of nuclear extinction for all her shortcomings as a mother. She said the state of fear she lived in during that period froze over all other feelings. That was the explanation for her aversion to touching me or even being emotionally present when I needed reassurance. I didn't accept it as a valid excuse at the time, but now I'm older I understand better the crippling consequences of mental health issues.
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- Author Kristina Kuzmic
It's important to note that most judgmental mom shamers don't actually see themselves as judgmental mom shamers. They just like to share their opinions. Out loud. So here's a really easy, single-question quiz to figure out if you're an ass or not: Does every opinion you have need to be voiced? If your answer is yes, you're an ass.
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- Author Kawai Strong Washburn
My time as a mother was the same as those last gasping breaths of the owl, and soon enough you'd have to gently set down my love, fold it up into the soil of your childhood, and move beyond.
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