10,139 Quotes About Motivation

  • Author Vineet Raj Kapoor
  • Quote

    Like we turn the switch off when electricity fails, we should switch off thinking when mind loses enthusiasm. We must focus on getting back our enthusiasmजिस तरह बिजली जाने पर हम सारे स्विच ऑफ कर देते हैं, उसी तरह उत्साह जाने पे सोचना बंद कर दीजिए। उत्साह वापस लाने पे ध्यान दीजिए।

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  • Author Scott Stabile
  • Quote

    and then there was that time you sucked down your fear, breathed into it, faced it with a courage that moves mountains, and you stepped right into that thing, that situation, that experience moments and forever before had crippled and controlled you, and had you believing you could never rise up to meet it. but you did, because you could. and you will again, because you can. yes, you can.

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