63 Quotes About Movements

  • Author Simone de Beauvoir
  • Quote

    But an action which wants to serve man ought to be careful not to forget him on the way, if it chooses to fulfill itself blindly, it will lose its meaning or will take on an unforeseen meaning; for the goal is not fixed once & for all; it is defined all along the road which leads up to it.

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  • Author Roxane Gay
  • Quote

    The problem with movements is that, all too often, they are associated only with the most visible figures, the people with the biggest platforms and the loudest, most provocative voices. But feminism is not whatever philosophy is being spouted by the popular media feminist of the week, at least not entirely.

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  • Author Neil deGrasse Tyson
  • Quote

    The moment when someone attaches you to a philosophy or a movement, then they assign all the baggage and all the rest of the philosophy that goes with it to you. And when you want to have a conversation, they will assert that they already know everything important there is to know about you because of that association. And that's not the way to have a conversation.

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  • Author Louise Penny
  • Quote

    A lot of what we know to be history isn’t…it serves a purpose. Events are exaggerated, heroes fabricated, goals are rewritten to appear more noble than they actually were. All to manipulate public opinion, to manufacture a common purpose or enemy. And the cornerstone of a really great movement? A powerful symbol. Take away or tarnish that and everything starts to crumble, everything’s questioned.

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  • Author Brother Spartacus
  • Quote

    Never forget, when you come to AC/GS, you are entering the dark, mysterious, complex, daunting, forbidding – but infinitely inspiring and perfect world – of INTJs. We can take you from Cimmeria to Hyperborea. Do not expect an easy ride. Don’t bring emotionalism and irrationalism. Let the most powerful ideas in the world wash over you and enlighten you. And then help us make our vision even brighter, enough to light up this whole benighted world.

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