76 Quotes About Mr-darcy
- Author Jane Austen
Usted es demasiado generosa para jugar con mis sentimientos. Si los suyos siguen siendo los mismos del pasado abril, dígamelo en seguida. Mi afecto y mis deseos no han cambiado, pero una palabra suya me silenciará para siempre
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- Author Jane Austen
Men of sense do not want silly wives.
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- Author Jane Austen
He luchado en vano. Ya no quiero hacerlo. Me resulta imposible contener mis sentimientos. Permítame usted que le manifieste cuán ardientemente la admiro y la amo...
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- Author Elizabeth Adams
So what do you think, Miss Bennet? Will you come to Pemberley?" He Spoke quietly over her shoulder; she hadn't realized he was so close. Feeling a mischievous impulse, likely from her nervousness at his proximity, she said the first thing that came to her mind."It is tolerable, I suppose, but not hadsome enough to tempt me."Mr. Darcy's face went from shocked and angry, to hurt and confused, and finally to understanding as her words sunk in.
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