428 Quotes About Musician


"Ironically, the resilience and greatness of America may never be accentuated more than by its ability to withstand the unprecedented corruption of Donald Trump."


"Do your own thing. Others own their own thing. If you copy too much, you'll find yourself in late night cocktail lounge cover band limbo."


"După masă, taică-miu își băga mâinile în pantaloni, ca Al Bundy, și spunea: «No, fiule, ia cântă-ne și nouă o baladă.» Cred că de atunci urăsc «Balada» lui Ciprian Porumbescu."


"I would spend my life on the road logging hundreds of thousands of miles and my story was always the same. . . man comes to town, detonates; man leaves town and drives off into the evening; fade to black. Just the way I like it."


"As a child, the adults were my heroes. But as an adult with cancer, it’s the children who are my heroes."
