302 Quotes About Muslim

  • Author Robert R. Reilly
  • Quote

    The joint commissioner of the Mumbai police, Rakesh Maria, said of the captured terrorist Muhammad Ajmal Kasab, the only surviving perpetrator of the 2008 mass murder in Mumbai, India, “He was led to believe that he was doing something holy.

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  • Author Pervez Hoodbhoy
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    The elites which rule Muslim countries today have shown little ability – or even desire - to address the myriad problems and challenges of a modern world. Of these, the development of science and a rational culture are perhaps the most important. Indeed, compared with non Muslim countries possessing roughly equivalent resources and a comparable level of cultural development, Muslim states do poorly.

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  • Author Pervez Hoodbhoy
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    The Hanbalite Ibn Taymiya understood Ilm (knowledge) as referring to that knowledge which derives from the Prophet. Everything else he regarded either as useless or no science at all, even though it might be called by that name.

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  • Author Roger Scruton
  • Quote

    We must inevitably conclude, therefore, that the main influences over Spinoza’s thought during his formative years were not those philosophers, such as Descartes, to whom he later devoted his attention, but the Jewish and Muslim writers of earlier centuries, whose thoughts provided the main arguments of contemporary Judaism.

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  • Author William J. Bernstein
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    Nestorian Christians, expelled for their heresies from the Byzantine Empire but tolerated in the Muslim world as "people of the book," began to arrive from the West via the overland route. It is easy to see how a splinter Christian movement, repelled by the savage intolerance of the Catholic Church and attracted by the relative tolerance of Islam, spread ever eastward.

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  • Author محمد الكتبي
  • Quote

    نحن أمة أنتجتها العولمة فلا هوية لها ولا أخلاق و قريباً لن يكون لها دين ، حينها ستخرج من المعادلة و تشطب من الذاكرة فإما أن ترتضي أسيرة لأعدائها ، أو تكمل حياتها خلف الأسوار

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