42 Quotes About Mystery-of-life
"The causes of every human action, Tolstoy thought, were so manifold, so complex, and so deeply hidden in unconscious motivations that it is impossible to know why anything ever happened. [How to Read a Book (1972), P. 233]"
"Humans are the only race who are continuously either possessed by or obsessed for various energies!” "
"Science verses Mysticism? When we compare the two I can say this with no hesitation. It is indeed the mystery that spans infinitely more vast."
"Music has the ability to express in the upbeat every brilliant aspect of existence, while on the downbeat convey the anguish that a human being experiences when apprehending the fleeting nature of time, and the mysterious torture of living and dying. Music stands alone in its ability to communicate the symbols and phases of life, both being and nonbeing."
"কিন্তু মানুষের জীবনে এমন সব অদ্ভুদ ঘটনা ঘটে তা উপন্যাসে ঘটাতে গেলে পাঠকরা বিশ্বাস করতে চাইবে না, হেসেই উড়িয়ে দেবে।"
"A man could shoot a squirrel out of a tree from a distance of sixty feet. But he couldn't vomit into a bucket or pee into a pot only two feet away. It was one of the great mysteries of life."
"The great question that has never been answered , and which I have not yet been able to answer , despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul , is What does a woman want?"
"I’m afraid that once you have all the answers, your life closes in on you like a trap, with the clank of keys in a prison cell. Wouldn’t it be better to leave empty lots around you, into which you can escape?"