29 Quotes About Narcissistic-violence


"Did his crime give others some kind of implicit permission to behave the same way, reverberating on and on into the future?"


"He took a mental picture of this moment’s happy scene to carry with him into the darkness of that dreadful place where he had been chosen as a special pet of the priest."


"She hoped her words rang true about her lost daughter Sarai as well, whom she hadn’t seen in over eighteen years, though she still thought about her every day and still prayed for a kind word from her. Or even a cranky one."


"He recognized the same frenzy of wild abandon that each of those adults shared while beating their children, as if the important object lesson being taught justified their outsized zeal."


"The local police was her brother Martin, the sheriff. Her father was the Assistant Chief of Police. The last thing she was going to do was tell them Ray was AWOL from the mental institution."


"Ultimately, Ruth decided that not punishing the wicked was unfair to the good."


"Because there is beauty and there is art that celebrates it like a secret language, I was reassured and connected to something greater than my immediate surroundings."


"I da znaš, mnoge žene koje završe s narcisom i saznaju istinu, imaju potrebu da upozore novu žrtvu. Nemoj to da radiš. To je njena bitka, njena lekcija koju mora da nauči."
