66 Quotes About Nature-of-god
"Rewind and you will find One's intent so pure so kind."
"Creation is not just merely an act of love, it is an act from love."
"It is not in our nature to judge each other but to love one another."
"Nothing matters as much as that what illuminates matter. Now, then, let that be our guiding principle for all decisive matters."
"Who are we, really? Essentially; Love.We are meant to love one another for it is Love that we are.Love, it truly is the illuminator of life"
"Love is indeed ultimate reality as it is our source, purpose and destiny, or, in other words, the eternal current that permeates, creates and upholds our universe. It exists in the eternal now. There is only One reality. It ultimately is us; Love."
"In all of these centuries there has not been the slightest shadow of change in the nature of God or in His attitude toward sin.The Bible teaches from the beginning to the end that adultery and fornication are sin, and the attitude of churchmen does not alter its character."
"If I have seen Heaven on Earth it's either amid Nature or in acts of Kindness!"
"A god without wrath, without intimidation, without punishment, without hell? It would be a paper tiger, a teddy bear!"