108 Quotes About Nazism
"First and foremost, we want a good clean fight." He adress only yhe Fuhrer now. "Unless, of course, Herr Hitler, you begin to lose. Should this occur, I will be quite willing to turn a blind eye to any unconscionable tactics you might employ to grind this piece of Jewish stench and filth into the canvas."
"Time, that is intolerantOf the brave and innocent,And indifferent in a weekTo a beautiful physique,Worships language, and forgivesEveryone by whom it lives;Pardons cowardice, conceit,Lays its honours at his feet.Time, that with this strange excuse,Pardons Kipling and his views,And will pardon Paul Claudel,Pardons him for writing well."
"Asperger's actions are perhaps more reflective of the nature of perpetration in the Third Reich than those of more prominent figures. The Reich's systems of extermination depended upon people like Asperger, who maneuvered themselves, perhaps uncritically, within their positions. Individuals such as Asperger were neither committed killers nor even directly involved in the moment of death. Yet, in the absence of murderous convictions, they made the Reich's killing systems possible."
"The Wall is nothing more than a talking point Trump uses to trigger his racist and xenophobic base. MAGA minions have been brainwashed by Nazi propaganda techniques to see foreigners as evil monsters who want to exterminate white America, and Trump as their protector who was sent by God."
"He didn't know how to speak properly, how to walk properly, how to comb his hair, and she felt embarrassed for him as he shouted about restoring jobs and national honor, about a better and splendid Germany. The mob applauded, shouted. Did people really believe that he wanted what was best for Germany?"
"since throughout the years 1945-49 a consistent majority of Germans believed that ‘Nazism was a good idea, badly applied’."
"It was if The Wave had taken on a life of its own and now he and his students were literally riding it."
"In the Third Reich evil lost its distinctive characteristic by which most people had until then recognized it. The Nazis redefined it as a civil norm."