134 Quotes About Network


"Lets forget about the things you haven't done, and talk about what you have done."


"Opening up a conversation can be opening up a world of new possibilities."


"Understanding how our own perceptions are formed can give us some insight into how others form their perceptions of us."


"Strengthening self-image is a process, and imagining the end goal is part of what helps get you there."


"If you minimize your accomplishments, that's what people will believe about you. If you emphasize your accomplishments, that is how you will be perceived."


"There is extraordinary value in doing things for others simply because you want to, not because you expect anything in return."


"We all have knowledge, skills, experience, and unique perspectives to contribute. Sharing these things extends the circles of context for connecting among our networks and gives us opportunities to deep our relationships with others."


"Sharing emotional experiences works wonders in connecting with people who are otherwise quite different."
