77 Quotes About Neurobiology


"Biological instincts are the key to understanding how every single human being is wired. The marvelous interplay of various brain circuits creates our instinctual reality of the daily life. If you’re conscious about the fact that there lies a complex yet vividly beautiful brain circuit mechanism behind every single impulse of your daily emotions, then you can choose how to react upon each of those impulses. You can thus program your behavioral response in a certain situation."


"When you say to someone "follow your heart", it actually refers to the rhetorical representation of various emotions, that are precisely produced from neural activity of the limbic system."


"Abhijit Naskar is a self-trained scientist and thinker who discovers the paradigm shifting phenomena of the human mind."


"Human brain is the supreme creator of all fortune. It is the biggest miracle of nature which makes all other miracles possible."


"From the wheel to the steel - from papyrus to kindle - from churchbell to doorbell - from holy books to comic books - from monotheism to secularism - from fundamentalism to humanism - from steam engine to jet engine - from cave painting to apple pencil - from antibiotics to antipsychotics - from embroidery to surgery - from moving pics to netflix - every single feat that we can think of, good or bad, is born of the neurons. In short, neurons can make the world or break the world."


"The very notions of beauty and attractiveness are deeply hardwired within our neural circuits and they are meant to steer us in the right direction of survival. So most of our decisions are driven by subconscious programs carved by millions of years of natural selection."
