45 Quotes About No-one
- Author Meg Wolitzer
You're telling me that because of the Internet, and the availability of every experience, every whim, every tool, sudden everyone's an artist? But here's the thing: if everyone's an artist, then no one is.
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- Author Mehmet Murat ildan
Are you a part of a herd? Then shame on you! Until you leave your herd, you are no one!
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- Author Steven Wilson
Where do you go if you don’t belong anywhere? If I wanted to run away then why come to the city? Because this is the place to hide. This is the place to be invisible. Anyone can be no one here, and I am someone that wants to be no one.
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- Author J.R. Ward
Man, that did his ego good. Matter of fact, she hit him with anything like that again, he was going to feel like he could bench-press a city bus. With a jet plane on its roof.
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- Author Jeannie Davide-Rivera
I had no one. No one to talk to, at least that is how I felt. No one to hold on to, or who would hold tightly back. No one to tell me everything was going to be alright. No one to say, yes, me too, I know how you feel - No one.
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- Author Zøe Haslie
No one is exempt of anything at the end of the day.
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- Author Ehsan Sehgal
No one other than writers, poets, and such genius figures stay working and never retired until their last breath.
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- Author Isabel Aanya Leigh
No one to notice No one to stareNo one to compromise withNo one to care
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