141 Quotes About Nobility
- Author John Irving
Wallace Worthington would have reminded Wilbur Larch of someone he might have met at the Channing-Peabodys’, where Dr. Larch went to perform his second abortion – the rich people’s abortion, as Larch thought of it. Wallace Worthington would strike Homer Wells as what a real King of New England should look like.
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- Author Vladislav Krapivin
Что ни говори, воспитание - великая вещь. Если мальчишку десяти лет учили быть человеком, он не позволит себе долго смотреть волчонком на тех, кто не виноват в его беде.
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- Author Vladislav Krapivin
Мальчишка был явно из хорошей семьи. Из такой, где истинная воспитанность и твёрдое ощущение своего "я" - наследие нескольких поколений. Порода видна всегда, инфанта узнают, несмотря на лохмотья...
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- Author П.И. Мельников-Печерский
Ну возможно ль сапожнику с князем в товарищах быть?.. Что же вышло? Сапожников да всяких других разночинцев не облагородил, а сам вкруг них холопства набрался.Прокофьич (Анисим Прокофьев) - Сергею Андреевичу Валягину- П.И. Мельников-Печерский "Старые годы
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- Author Geoffrey Chaucer
Тот благороден, в ком есть благородство, А родовитость без него — уродство.
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- Author Samuel Beckett
The sound I liked best had nothing noble about it. It was the barking of the dogs, at night, in the clusters of hovels up in the hills, where the stone-cutters lived, like generations of stone-cutters before them. it came down to me where I lay, in the house in the plain, wild and soft, at the limit of earshot, soon weary. The dogs of the valley replied with their gross bay all fangs and jaws and foam...
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- Author Lamine Pearlheart
Being related to the horse does not make the mule a noble mustang. – To those who believe that nobility is a matter of lineage.
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- Author Thomas Pride
[R]ally your sons to our cause, To defend our homes against the Bloody Baron. Never was (there) a more cruel and dangerous tyrant, Than mad Baron Ungern-Sternberg.
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- Author Daniel Polansky
If the human race has ever invented an institution more effective in the propagation of intellectual and ethical cripples than the nobility, I have yet to stumble across it.
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