68 Quotes About Nondual-philosophy


"Whenever bigotry and sectarianism overshadow human conscience, I will rise in one neuron cluster or another."


"Once you see yourself reflected on the face of others, that's when you know that you have truly become enlightened."


"Naskar the person died long ago, now what lives in front of you, and indeed within you, is Naskar the idea - the idea of one humanity - the idea of a harmonious humanity - a humanity that places the benefit of the neighbor above the benefit of the self - a humanity that places the significance of shared joy above the joy of the individual - a humanity that lives not in a chaotic planet, but in a truly intertwined conscientious society."


"I, the ever-effulgent, indomitable force of oneness, will always make sure that humanity doesn't get torn apart into pieces by its innate self-centric activities."


"Who is I, who is the other, it's all I. The other is I, and I is the other, it's all one. One is not one, but a reflection of all, and all is not all, but a reflection of one. So, what one does, can make an impact on all, and what all do, can make an impact on the one. One must be responsible for all, and all must be responsible for the one. Because without responsibility, no one is civilized, no all is civilized and as such, no one can have a humane world and no all can have a humane world."


"I looked into the mirror, I couldn't find myself. I looked into you and there I was."


"I am not I, but a reflection of you, and similarly, you are not you but a reflection of me."


"I don't advocate for collectivism, for I am the collective - I don't preach religion, for I am religion - and I am no materialist, for I am the matter and I am the spirit."
