68 Quotes About Nondual-philosophy
"Different centuries may call me by different names, sometimes Shankara, sometimes Vivekananda and other times Naskar, but I, the ever-effulgent, indomitable force of oneness, will always make sure that humanity doesn't get torn apart into pieces by its innate self-centric activities."
"I am Lord God, so are you."
"To me - the scientist, the preacher, the entrepreneur, the janitor, the showgirl, the sex worker and all others are one and the same human spirit in which I see the image of my own self."
"Call me sufi, call me humanitarian, call me non-dualist or call me advaitin - it's all one and the same, for all these terms are incomplete attempts of a juvenile species to define the mind-expanding sense of oneness of all beings."
"Tried a lot many countries, races and religions, To tie me up with their rugged exclusivities. But my heart is too grand for any one sect, So I dance naked without any cultural amenities."
"Once you see the whole humanity as the reflection of yourself, then no discrimination, segregation or phobia will have the power to wreak havoc in the society."
"The world needs psychological singularity, that is oneness among humans, not some pompous biotechnological singularity."
"All is one and one is all."
"I am no religious preacher, or a spiritual teacher, nor am I an intellectual philosopher or a divine incarnation - I am you in the service of you."