59 Quotes About November

  • Author L.M. Montgomery
  • Quote

    November is usually such a disagreeable month...as if the year had suddenly found out that she was growing old and could do nothing but weep and fret over it. This year is growing old gracefully...just like a stately old lady who knows she can be charming even with gray hair and wrinkles. We've had lovely days and delicious twilights.

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  • Author Cynthia Rylant
  • Quote

    In November, people are good to each other. They carry pies to each other's homes and talk by crackling woodstoves, sipping mellow cider. They travel very far on a special November day just to share a meal with one another and to give thanks for their many blessings - for the food on their tables and the babies in their arms.

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  • Author Georges Rodenbach
  • Quote

    The widower reviewed his past in a sunless light which was intensified by the greyness of the November twilight, whilst the bells subtly impregnated the surrounding atmosphere with the melody of sounds that faded like the ashes of dead years.

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  • Author Lin-Manuel Miranda
  • Quote

    Gmorning NovemberYou lurch & you lumberFrom bonfire to emberFrom waking to slumberYou deaden the grass& you piss in the potThe birds all haul assAnd the pumpkins all rotRemember, November:Momentous electionsIgnite us, divide us,Divine new directionsNovember—Chill.Gnight, NovemberCome in from the coldWe're making hot cocoawith WHOLE milk: we're bold.CHILL, November. CHILL.

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