237 Quotes About Nutrition
- Author Mark Sisson
Exercise stimulates an increase in appetite and calorie consumption such that it results in a draw when it comes to weight management.
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- Author Mark Sisson
Eating cholesterol and bad fat will contribute to heart disease if and only if you bathe them in a massive lifelong overdose of insulin and glucose.
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- Author Mark Sisson
Oily, cold-water fish from remote, pollution-free waters (anchovies, herring, mackerel, salmon, sardines) are some of the most nutrient-rich foods on the planet: no other food comes close to their omega-3 levels.
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- Author Mark Sisson
Adjust your mentality to make veggies a centrepiece of your meals and snacks. Get comfortable with occasionally consuming larger quantities than typical Western diet traditions call for.
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- Author Mark Sisson
Instead, choose decaf for your second cup of the day, engage in good sleeping habits, moderate insulin production in your diet, exercise Primally and boost energy naturally with cold water plunges, deep breathing sequences, napping or quick exercise breaks after long periods of inactivity.
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- Author Mark Sisson
Eat your food slowly and chew each bite completely (20-30 chomps is ideal) to facilitate proper digestion.
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- Author Arshavir Ter Hovannessian
The "civilized" man of today ridicules the idolatry of bygone ages, but he does not realize that he is a far worse idolater than the idolaters of the past. In former times, men set up images of various animals and adored them; today they slaughter those animals and worship their putrefied carcasses.
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- Author Arshavir Ter Hovannessian
If humanity will one day grasp the importance of natural food, this will be the beginning of a new era in the history of human life; it will simply be the PARADISE.
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- Author Nancy S. Mure
Eating a can be the weight that pulls you under or the life raft. It's your choice.
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