67 Quotes About Object


"Whenever the balance of power was unequal, there was a driver and a driven. Power was the lethal vice, the turn-on with evil built into it, because it required a victim to manifest itself. Power implied subject and object. They needed some way to recognize (for everyone to recognize) that everybody was a subject."


"A celebrity is an object that the media manufactures today, just so they have a subject tomorrow."


"The quality of beauty lies on how beholder values an object."


"…once can easily see in an object at once a perfection and an absence of origin, a closure and a brilliance, a transformation of life into matter (matter is much more magical than life), and in a word a silence which belongs to the realm of fairy-tales."


"Those who object to human rights protection laws typically do so because they want to be above those laws."


"Why object to one very high altitude telescope when you can use science to object to them all."
