98 Quotes About Old-people
- Author أحمد خالد توفيق
لم يعد أحد يطالبه بشيء في هذه السن المتقدمة، لكنه مصر على تحمل المسئوليات كلها وإرهاق نفسه بلا داع .. هذه ليست بسالة، بل هو سلوك طفل لا يصدق أن الحياة يمكن أن تتحرك من دونه.
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- Author Ljupka Cvetanova
So long as our parents are alive, we are children. Then we become childish.
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- Author Karl Kristian Flores
We discard the elderly, but the elderly used to discard the elderly. Those old people we tease are just listening to our insults and not deciding to speak. They’re not stupid. They just understand. Old people are young people who’ve had a few more heartbreaks, thousands of more workdays, and who’ve prepared a dozen more eulogies.
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- Author Robert A. Heinlein
Never tease an old dog; he might have one bite left.
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- Author Silvina Ocampo
aAlina Cerunda was pretty despite her seventy years. Anyone who says she wasn't is a liar. However, old people always look like they're in disguise, and that ruins everything.
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- Author Valentin Rasputin
هم يضحكون: الكبير(العجوز) مثل الصغير، ويقصدون بذلك أن أحدهما فقد عقله، أما الثاني لم يمتلكه بعد. هذا صحيح، الكبير والصغير هما فقط القادران بحساسية وحدة أن يُدهَشا لوجودهما، ولكل ما يحيط بهما في كل خطوة.
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- Author Richard L. Ratliff
Old age is not the flue, Not something you get over
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- Author J. Courtney Sullivan
Old age had distilled her down to her essence.
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- Author Munia Khan
Aging is not our fault, but we certainly are guilty of feeling it.
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