136 Quotes About One-humanity
"One dream can deliver our planet from darkness to dawn, the question is, can you persevere past your breaking point for that dream!"
"Give me your prejudices - give me your biases - give me your hatred - give me your conditioned soul - and I will give you a unified and humane humanity."
"Climate makes the difference in appearance, not in character."
"I have the biggest family in the world, with seven billion relatives."
"It's not enough to be born as a human body, each human must earn his or her admission into the human race with humane actions."
"Humanity without humanity is no humanity, it's only a mockery of humanity."
"What are we? Expression of oneness. What if we don't feel one? We are not alive."
"Does one need to deceive oneself, to understand self-deception! If not, then why do you deceive yourself, by conforming to the social labels, be it a religious label, a non-religious label, a nationalist label, an intellectual label, or a gender label."