136 Quotes About One-humanity
"I am the wind, when I flow among the Christians, I am Christian, when among the Muslims, I am Muslim, when among the Jews, I am Jew, when among the Hindus, I am Hindu, when among the Atheists, I am Atheist, but when among the fundamentalists, I am a purifying tornado."
"Unity in our world can never ever be imposed either intellectually, or politically or even scientifically for that matter - it can only rise from the insignia of humanity that lies dormant in the heart of every human - and once you break your shackles of all rigidity, that insignia will burn so bright that no corner of our society will remain untouched by it - it'll turn into an ever-burning torch and will light up the paths of humans all over the world, generation after generation."
"I am a force of nature, I don't have nationality. Does the Everest have nationality? Does the Amazon have nationality? Does the Grand Canyon have nationality? They all belong to the world. Likewise, no matter where I live, I belong to the world. And no matter where you live, you belong to the world. Every human belongs to the whole world, for that very universal belonging is what makes humanity human."
"You may have heard the phrase "make love, not war" – well, these are all useless words, unless you can actually, genuinely, humanely feel your true oneness with all humans at the very core of your existence. Once you feel that oneness - that unity - that simple yet glorious uniformity, then only will the drumbeats of war begin to fade away."
"No matter which side of the border wins in the battlefield, precious lives are always lost in the process. And no amount of victory can bring those lives back – no amount of victory can wipe away the tears of a mother, a father or a spouse. What's the point of such victory that brings only destruction!"
"I am a mortal human on a mission to unify all the mortal humans on earth. And as such, I don't have the time for the primitive luxury of outrage and criticism. Outrage and criticism lead to nothing but wastage of one's time and brain potential."
"Criticism only acquires criticism in return. It is only with acceptance, that there is hope for receiving acceptance in return."
"There is no such thing as a foreigner or a neighbor, for all humans are your family."
"If you can actually see a world full of harmony, beyond the tribal world filled with tribal hatred and conflicts, it would automatically become your reality, and that reality of your mind would outpour into the world through your actions, thus it would become the reality of the world you live in. It all begins with perception and realization."