490 Quotes About Opinions

  • Author Akiroq Brost
  • Quote

    People are different. We can’t paint everyone with the same brush. Some people will Zig and some people will Zag. That doesn’t mean one is right and the other is wrong. There really is no universal standard of “normal”. In many cases, the ideals of “normality” are not attainable. They are simply not realistic. Allow people to be different.

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  • Author Lara Avery
  • Quote

    They included me, and I spoke up when I could, but mostly I listened. "What do you think Sammie?" Stewart would ask. And eventually I just had to tell them that most of the time, I didn't know. "I'm sort of a sponge," I said, and could feel my mouth get dry. "I have a few strong opinions, but they might change. I just want to find out everything I can.

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